Lipoline® B12

Vitamin B12 is an essential element for the proper functioning of the human body and all cells in it. Its primary task is the formation of blood morphotic elements and nerve sheaths. In addition, it participates in the synthesis of proteins and nucleic acids and in the metabolism of carbohydrates and fat. People who abuse alcohol, the elderly, people with gastrointestinal diseases, and vegetarians are most at risk for low levels of vitamin B12 because the primary source of vitamin B12 are animal products.

Vitamin B12:

  • contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism
  • contributes to normal functioning of the nervous system
  • contributes to normal homocysteine metabolism
  • contributes to normal psychological function
  • contributes to normal red blood cell formation
  • contributes to the normal function of the immune system
  • contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue
  • has a role in the process of cell division

Vitamin B12 – 1,1 mg in 5 ml